Sunday, November 10, 2013

Awesome results

Over the last three years, my husband and I have been dealing with a very personal issue, infertility. Just after we were married, we discovered that I suffer from an endocrine disorder called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). This condition causes me to gain weight rapidly and have extreme difficulty to get that weight off, not to mention the fact that it has caused us to be unable to start a family.

We have been under the care of a fertility specialist for the last 2+ years and have been through many rounds of oral and injectable medications as well as abdominal surgery earlier in the year. We're at the point now, where we may be running out of options due to insurance coverage.

Naturally, it's been a heartbreaking journey, and coming to the end of it with still no addition to our family, I was feeling lost. That is, until I found Beachbody.

I have done a couple of the workouts here and there in college and enjoyed them, but never really followed through with them for one reason or another. I had also heard about their notorious product, Shakeology, which claimed to be an entire day's worth of vitamins and minerals and increase weight loss in one shake per day. I was beyond skeptical. I figured my whey protein shakes were just as good. I mean, I ate relatively healthy overall, so I was convinced that I didn't need their products and that I could do it all on my own.

That all changed when I met Jess. She encouraged me to give it a shot and gave me the information I was searching for. I was able to try a 5 day supply of Shakeology and Jess set me up with a great meal plan to follow.  She checked in with me every day and encouraged me to keep it up. All I had to do was follow it and do one 1/2 hour per day of cardio.

PCOS makes it challenging to lose weight, especially because of the fact that it causes me to have issues with my blood sugar. The only way that I have been able to lose weight in the past is to cut out all sugar and basically all carbs, including breads and even severely limiting fruits! I wasn't sure that this plan would work for me because of that, but luckily, all of my issues didn't seem to matter.

Within two days of my challenge, I found that I had more energy, felt thinner and was uh hmm... more regular... By the end of the week, I had lost over 3lbs and several inches all over. I was amazed and definitely wanted to keep up the progress. I decided to order a Challenge Pack to include Chalean Extreme and Shakeology.

Only a few weeks of including Shakeology and a workout into my routine, and I am seeing amazing results. I am still consistently losing between 1-2lbs per week and truly enjoy eating healthy. I don't crave any of the junk that I used to, especially sugar! Even better than that though, I have started ovulating on my own, something I usually need fertility specialists and copious amounts of medication to convince my body to do!

I am absolutely floored that by simply taking charge of my own life with fitness and nutrition, I am able to make more of a change in my body and potential future family growth than all of the medications have been able to over the years. I have a newly established faith that we may be able to start a family without the help of medications after all.

Beachbody and Shakeology has given me a new hope, and I want to be able to share that with you as well. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or want to begin your journey too!

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