Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Workout done!

I had a rough night's sleep last night, and an early wake up so I wasn't exactly chipper while I stumbled my way to the coffee maker this morning. I'm pretty sore from my workout yesterday too, so even getting down the stairs was tough. I honestly thought about just calling it a rest day and staying in my jammies on the couch all day.

That's when I remembered why I'm doing this. I remembered what we've gone through to be able to have children. I remembered why we wanted to start a family in the first place. I remembered that it's no longer about fitting into that bikini tucked in the back of my closet, but it's about the choice between diabetes and being able to have children.

That's all the pep talk (coffee didn't hurt either) that I needed. I marched, well....hobbled, my sore butt up the stairs and got those workout clothes on and killed my workout! Turbo Fire HIT 20 kicked my butt, but I was still rearing to go. I decided to take a short jog around the neighborhood with my dog to finish off my workout. Whohoo! I went from dragging and no energy to feeling pumped!

I'm always amazed at how much of what holds us back is mental. I felt like I couldn't possibly complete a workout. Heck, even going upstairs to change seemed like it would take too much energy, but I did it anyways. I told that little voice to shut the heck up and now I feel so much better for it. In fact, I still have energy to clean my kitchen!

Wanted to add a little transformation tuesday pic for y'all. I still have a ways to go, but I'm definitely seeing great results and will continue to work towards progress.


The day my hubs left for Afghanistan. I was depressed and at my heaviest ever. 

I now feel confident in sundresses!

I even completed an amazing Mud Run! 

I still can't get over how tiny my legs have gotten.

Welcome home Mr. S!!! Although I lost weight, you can see, I still kept my curves! I felt gorgeous here!

Get your challenge started today! Contact me for more info on how you can change your body and your health as well. 

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